Can Facebook make you depressed? Researches have a new diagnosis for depression, and it dose not stems from lost or withdraw. However, a more common activity people partake in as a hobby or something extra.
Facebook has became more than extracurricular way to keep in touch, but a way to track and see how we amount up.
Status updates, photo albums; capturing moments in out lives that illustrate where we are, how we are doing, and where we are going. These updates on Facebook let friends, family, ex's and enemies whats going on in our lives.
Doctors say that people viewing the details of others and your life may feel envious. " The grass is greener on the other side"syndrome; When a person sees a friend upload a photo of them buying a new car or getting married this may make them feel envious, because they catch the bus or they just broke up with their lover. The lack of reality in the bases of this disease.
This diagnosis of depression has played a significant role on younger people who are on Facebook. This younger generation "the Tech generation" or born 1990 and on, are extremely prone to this type of depression.
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