Wednesday, May 4, 2011

CBS News' Logan Recovering After 'Brutal' Attack

N.J. Rev. Wants His Congregation Off Facebook

Social Media + Osama bin Ladens Death

President Barrack Obama confirmed the death of Osama bin Laden leader of Al- Qaeda at 11:35 pm. Long before his presentation Americans were announcing and celebrating the death of the world know terrorist.

Almost 10 years ago 9-11 broke the heart of millions where social networking just began. Now 10 years later the assassination of the very leader who inflicted this pain on US citizens is dead. The difference between then and now is social media; tweets, Facebook update contributed to the widespread of news. With in moments of Bin Ladens death thousands of Americans were dancing in Time Square, singing in ground-zero and reciting the pledge of allegiance in their dinning rooms .

Tweet rules for Reporters

Reporters at Bloomberg have a new social media policy that encourages the use of twitter. I now it sound to good to be true, first people getting fired over Facebook and now reporters getting praised for their tweeter- craze. With newspaper sales on the fall, Bloomberg's newly hire social media director told his employees to tweet, but..... and the stipulations follow:
  1. Use social networks to express political opinions
  2. Advocate on be half of a particular issue or agenda
  3. Use social media to express opinions related to their professional assignment
  4. Do not show work in progress
  5. Do not us social media as a venue for breaking news

NYC reacts to Osama bin Laden's death [HD]

Osama bin Laden leader of terrorist regime al Qaeda was killed last week in a compound in Pakistan. this was a big day for the US, a huge burden was lifted for citizens that witness the terror of 9-11.

Social Media Jobs Growing

Who said that the computer is stealing our jobs? it just created a new career. Social Media managers is a new job that can pay you as much as $100,000 a year. This job requires a person to tweet, poke and post for companies to keep there clients and customers up to date on all thats going on.

in a cave

Women of the 50s

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

In an Age of Social Media, Recruiters Get More Than Resumes

In an age were employment is at an all time high, recruiters and employers are looking and expecting more than just a piece of paper to seek hires. They are looking for that one person who will stand out above all. More over, someone that knows how important viral marketing in social networking and media.

Media Resume for Marketing, Public Relations, and Networking careers your blog becomes your resume and everything profile you own in online social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Truth be told every and anything linked to your reputation on and off line can effect the decision of the employer. So, clean it up!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Save Darfur

Genocide in Darfur- termed the world’s worst humanitarian crisis by the United Nations and United States respectively. This terrible situation has been described as a group murder, systemic rape, harassment, torching and looting villages. Since the beginning of the conflict 400,000 people have been killed and 2 million displaced.

Conflict ignited in early 2003, when the invasion of a region targeted by the Sudanese government, said to be neglected by Khartoum.

Darfur has faced many years of tension overland and grazing rights. Darfur means home of the Fur people, an African tribe that settle on the land in early civilization.

Invasion was inflicted by the Janjaweed. Janjaweed militiamen are primarily members of nomadic Arab tribes who've long been at odds with Darfur's settled African farmers.

Dr. Braima, from Darfur, chairmen of board of directors Save Darfur and professor at Southern University said, “Government (Sudan) is bringing Arabs from surrounding and out of country, to do the killings, raping, and destroy the villages.”

Sudanese government denies being in control of Janjaweed and President Omar al-Bashir called them “thieves and gangsters”. Refugees say that before Janjaweed attacks Sudanese government aircraft “soften” land with helicopters.

December 2008 the United Nations released the Sudan Accountability and Divestment Act. This Act was to mandate and stop genocide, return indigenous people to land, send humanitarian aid to Darfur and hold offenders to national court.

Sadly, Sudan and Divestment Act failed. The act stated that only if Sudanese government agrees upon contract will the Act be mandated. “Peace is found through force not negotiation,” Dr. Braima stated.

During the interview with Dr. Braima he shared with us the agenda for Save Darfur. The 2008 Olympics will take place in China in reference to Darfur they will not boycott Olympics but the will recruit athletes to wear a Save Darfur T-shirt.

More information log on to

Feminism- Born to be Feminine, but not Pink

Women fought to be notice in the late eighteenth century and in 1922 women in the United States women received the right to vote. The Woman’s right to vote was a turning point in history for women all over the world. This act was said to spur the first step toward feminism which focus on legal issues that faced women. In 1949 The Second Sex written by Simone de Beauvoir, which focus on the cultural mechanisms of oppression that left women in the role of the “other” to mans self. This novel focuses on personal issues and the relationship between man and woman. The Second Sex novel ignited the second wave which started feminism.

In the first wave feminist like Mary Wollstonecraft, Anna Doyle Wheeler, and Harriet Taylor goal of the first wave was to educate women about there rights as human beings. Wollstonecraft argued that the education of women should not be designed entirely to be pleasing to men. She believed that educating women to be the playthings of men would have bad consequences for society and for women. If they have no resources to fall back on the women’s marriage and love after a number of years would turn into spite and self-impotence. Wollstonecraft affirmed that women were capable of attaining the virtues of wisdom and rationality if only society would allow those virtues to be cultivated.

Anna Doyler Wheeler collaborated with William Thompson is a famous essay titled “The Appeal of One Half of the Human Race, Women, Against the Pretension if the Other Half, Men, to Restrain Them in Political, and Thence in Civil and Domestic Slavery.” The title says it all, further focuses the argument that denying a right to women was, in fact different to the interest of the whole society. Harriet Taylor argued that it wasn’t fair to distinct between groups of people without giving good reason for doing so an that no good reason could be given for saying that men could vote and women could not.

The ignition of Feminism and second wave was sparked by the novel The Second Sex written by Simone de Beauvoir. A different concern that feminist in the first wave but in a way completes the transition. The first wave focuses on legal issues while De Beauvoir focuses on personal and the relationship between man and women. The right to vote gave women freedom to choose and with that victory it was time to move one to tackle the issue of the women’s character and how to face a man dominating society. De Beauvoir argued that “one is but born, but rather becomes a women , and that the category “women” is another name for “Other” and is imposed by a male dominating society, just as neighbors tent to treat strangers as others.

As a woman I am proud and thankful for the contributors to feminism that fought for my independence. Without feminism I would not be able to view the sky as the limit, not impossible as have women living in previous times. My thoughts of Feminism rest in the philosophy of Marilyn Frye women will always be caught in a double bind, to act traditionally feminine is to partake in practices that limited you to domestic responsibilities, one the other hand to act traditionally masculine and behave aggressive is socially frowned upon. I remember as a little girl in the 90s girls wore pink and boys wore blue and all the toys were gender specific, extreme remote control trucks for boys and easy bake ovens for girls. Growing up with an older brother to me he always had the better toys and more productive activities. As a very active child I was labeled a Tomboy and teased by people saying I was a boy not a girl just because I didn’t want to sit still and play with a Barbie, but instead I wanted to play basketball and with remote control cars. I liked being a girl but when it was time to play I found myself caught in a bind. Now I am all grown up my girl friends say they felt the same way and that it wasn’t fair. Now that decade has passed little girls are not Tomboys they now themselves there are more activities open to them and toys have evolved to fit the active girl (more all girl sports leagues, coed entertainment and Bratz remote control cars). Little by little women evolve and become more independent, confident and stronger.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Facebook Depression

Can Facebook make you depressed? Researches have a new diagnosis for depression, and it dose not stems from lost or withdraw. However, a more common activity people partake in as a hobby or something extra.

Facebook has became more than extracurricular way to keep in touch, but a way to track and see how we amount up.

Status updates, photo albums; capturing moments in out lives that illustrate where we are, how we are doing, and where we are going. These updates on Facebook let friends, family, ex's and enemies whats going on in our lives.

Doctors say that people viewing the details of others and your life may feel envious. " The grass is greener on the other side"syndrome; When a person sees a friend upload a photo of them buying a new car or getting married this may make them feel envious, because they catch the bus or they just broke up with their lover. The lack of reality in the bases of this disease.

This diagnosis of depression has played a significant role on younger people who are on Facebook. This younger generation "the Tech generation" or born 1990 and on, are extremely prone to this type of depression.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Hip- Hop: Beyond Beats & Rhymes

The objectifying of women, the portraying of black men in a negative light, the music displays a negative viewpoint on the black community as a whole. The biggest controversy of Hip-Hop will it ever end? Let’s take a look at black men in Hip-Hop and in general. Negative views and images of black men on TV or through Hip-Hop music are brainwashing young black men into being, hard, violent, insensitive, and to treat women as an object. Hip-Hop also portrays a sense of homoerotism and misogyny in music video and rap lyrics.

Looking at Hip-Hop from a women point of view is a much distorted view. We love Hip-Hop it is as much our culture as it is for black men, but the more and more I listen the more and more I become appalled. Sitting down listening to a regular rap album; for respectable black women; she becomes uncomfortable, disgusted and conflicted with her culture and the music that she loves. What she is hearing is a black man her “brother” referring to her as all kinds of “Bitches and Whores”, basically he is implying that a black women in less for sex isn’t worth anything. As a result 61% of rape victims are under 18. The rapper also implies that his “Boy’s” come first before any thing. Rappers today impose that women should be objectified as sex toys, but on the other hand signify brotherly love against women, homosexuals, punks; men that show sensitivity. Rappers idolize money, womanizing, and being hard. Listening to rap albums rappers implies homoerotism, and misogyny. Misogyny is the hatred of women moreover homoerotism is the portraying of homosexual desire, Rappers portray both in music lyrics.

Television portrays black men as being a one trick pony. Young black men have no one to look up to on TV except rappers and professional athletes. These are professions that do not require academic degrees. Young black men grow up watching BET and are brainwashed into thinking they don’t need a higher education and idolize making money the easy way, as rappers imply hustling. Hustling means getting money any way a person can include stealing, sealing drugs, or through violence. BET is known to be the cancer of black men. This network airs music video that does involve rappers throwing money at the camera, a dozen half-naked women shaking the backsides against the rapper, and violence. Rap music implies hyper masculinity, men being manly and hard. Meaning they show men with their shirts off implying that they are dangerous. Jail, crime, gangs and other negative images are reflected in Hip-Hop music. Do to this young black men are 14 times more likely to become a victim of gun violence. BET hardly ever shows high educated professional black men; instead show black men as being non professional, uneducated, violent, hard, and disrespectful to women.

Will the controversy ever end? My feelings for this subject hunt me everyday. I feel very conflicted with my culture, and overwhelmingly uncomfortable with the view of black men, and how the see black women. Sometimes it is hard to believe that black men see us that way, when I hear the filthy lyrics I ask myself “Who are they talking about are these horrible women really out there?” Women who allow men to call them out of their names, and treat them like objects. Rappers make it seem as if they never meet a respectable woman in their entire lives. Of course it can be stopped but it will take the entire black community to do so with it be in the next 10 years? No, but we will have to fight because we are talking about the health of our culture, it has to change.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Whats My name

CYNDRIA ABERNATHY- In this motion graphic design I tried to imagine what my name means and what it looks like in motion when adding that meaning. I chose this color because well its my favorite color. One thing I could not decide on was the font I have many attributes, if you notice; like a person wearing different hats and two different moments, they person may look different but its still the same person.

Sweet Countdown

Media Countdown my first project in Motion Graphics. I learned a lot and how much I love mixing blues and purples. Worked with Adobe After Effects software. The countdown started off really slow now I look back, I should of adjusted the the time; but i didn't know how to do that than, lol its a process.

I used an old movie background that was back and grey to give it that nostalgia fell. I'm not a dark person and when, I went with my personality; free and intuitive, also I chose to overlay the back ground in the purple taffy color to liven it up and make it young again. It also reminds me on candy. I tried to imagine the movie that was about to start after the countdown and the first thing that came to mind were movies like Kill Bill, Death Proof; movies where women whooped ass.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Southern U (HBCU) Murders happened on/ off Campus

Baton Rouge- over the past week two students at Southern University were killed, and only credits away from receiving there degrees.

Fredinand "Fred" Dorsey Jr., 24 Was a senior at Sounther when he was gun down at the University's upper classmen apartments known as the Palidades.Students and facalty say that the shooting arose from an argument that started on campus, than later moved to the campus apartments.

An older student Shena Barnet better known as Sheen Marie,26 was found at her her home beaten too death and burn.
Officers recived a call about a house in flame, later to find much more; a murder homicide and a fire set to cover it up.

After further investigating the murder of Shena Barnet,Timothy Wahington was arrested when detectives found his DNA on the bat at the scene of the crime.
Both students from New Orleans Fred, a Criminal Justice major and Sheena, Public Relations major where popular stdents at Southern, and were involved with student activities. It is sad that this happend to them. The questions has to be ask when will students attend Southern University and graduate without attending a funeral of a fellow classmate in the mean time?

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Rihanna on Blast

"Its Okay Jenifer Hudson is a beautiful woman, and she has a better voice." Ouch!

This was a quote taking from Domald Trump, after siger Rihanna was offered $500,000 to perform at one of his evebst. The big headed singer took the offer but didn't have enough guts to say no thank you; instead lies and says that she's sick. She a day later ends performs at the All Star game.

Trump went on to say that Rhyianna is disrepectful and un perfessional. He's right you don't have to lie to kick it.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Cyndria Abernathy the adventurer, the scholar and the philanthropist. Ha ha lol just kidding I see my self as this superb person in my own world. I like to think that I am the ish, but really im just a normal down the earth God-fearing girl who grew up close to the beach, who cant stop wondering whats else is out there, until i really get there and see that it will never be as great as California.

I was born on in Long Beach, CA; on a day that a gambler couldn't bet on, Leap year (feb 29th) 1988; yes I'm only 5 years old. People alway ask Wow? what made you come all the way out here? This is the stupidest question to ask anyone for California, because we are free spirited and travel everywhere for no reason. Truth be told this is my second out of state University my first school was an HBCU in Baton Rouge,LA (Southern University) portrayed in the movie Dumline. The black experience was great but too black. Its funny because at SU I was PR for the California West Cost Association and we made shirts that said "Stop Asking Us Why we Came Here", the club was huge.

How did I end up in New York? I ask myself that every morning I wake up. I miss home everyday; when its cold, when I want a taco, or a breath of fresh air from the sea, I miss it. Truth be told New York couldn't hold a candle to California with its clean/cheap grocery stores and year-around warm weather. I don't hate it here, Its just everywhere I turn theres something to piss me off about it, in every bet of a noun; persons, places and things. The only this I don't I love about New York is The Red Storm. St. John's has so much to offer spiritually and mentally and the gym at bad either.

Black Eyed Peas Halftime Show - 2011 SuperBowl

Monday, February 7, 2011

Wack Super Bowl Half-time

Whoopy-doo! Super bowl half time has been rated as the worse in years. The moment we were all waiting for was overlooked by getting snacks or texting.

Black Eye Peas got the worse ratings, not because they did a terrible job, but because they didn't do anything that they don't usually do; they performed the same songs, had the same futuristic theme. The only difference was that they tried to copy the Beijing Olympics with their large group choreography.

The real and only reason why the Black Eye Peas where chooser to preformed at the Super Bowl this year was because the producers of the show got caught up in playing it too safe.

Chosen because they were a multi cultural Hip-Hop group, and rated G. Other artist to be chosen would of gave hipsters a hi; post-50 superstars like Bruce Springsteen, Tom Petty, and the Who.

Monday, January 24, 2011

bye bye Regis

First Larry then Oprah...Now Regis

New York- Regis Philbin announces that he will be leaving day time TV. He is one of the three talk show giants to retire, within the last three years.

Oprah, Larry and Regis are broadcast journalist who shaped the media and major contributions in broadcast journalism. Who will be the next talk superstar to take the torch?

Philbin will be 80 this summer, Live with Regis and Kelly are scheduled to close around that time.